Reading #3: C3- Typography


Designing with Type
C-3 Typography, pg 49-55

- Type is Denotative (DIRECT)

- Type is Connotative (SUGGESTIVE)

Type as Form & Shape:
- Postive (Form) & Negative (Counterform) Shapes
- Word Outline Shapes (CAPS vs U&lc)
- Individual Letter Forms (Open vs Closed)
- Letter Types such as Weights, Italics, Caps (All & Sm/Lg), U&lc

Type as Visual Communication
”Before you choose a typeface, clearly define the audience, tone, personally
and attitude of what you are try to communicate and how you want to say it.”
- Type as the Voice of the Sender
- Type as the Packaging the Message
- Type in the Vernacular of the Audience

Selecting the Right Type

   - Audience, Design Concept, Message, Communication Requirements & Context

•  Is it Display or Text? Is it Print or Screen?
   - How type functions and/or how it will be seen

•  Narrow Choices Down
   - Suitability of Purpose

•  Consider the Voice of the Typeface
   - Emotional Tone of the Font Family and its Classification

•  X-height of the Typeface
   - Small vs Large & Open

•  Notice Counter Shapes 

•  Check Legibility

•  Check Readability

•  Check Letterspacing & Tracking

•  Is the substrate Paper (Print) or Screen (Digital)?

•  Sufficient Character Sets and or Family (Weights & Variations)

•  Value Contrast between Typeface & Background

Integrating with Images:
- Share Visual Characteristics?
- Contrasting Visual Characteristics?
- Should Typeface be Neutral?
- Should Typeface Dominate / or Should Image Dominate?
- Should Typeface and Image Operate Independently and/or Collectively?