Design Project #1: Representation to Symbol

Phase I  Continued:

T–   Jan 28       Final Figurative Animal Reduction and a companion Stylized Animal Reduction Due printed and posted to your blog.


Phase II  –  

TH–   Jan 30    Typographic Expressions of your Animal are due Printed and posted to your blog:
                           •  A word identifying your Animal
                           •  A word associating your Animal

In-class Exercise
Merge the typographic expressions with your animal reductions. Adjust and/or change type and placement if needed.

Logo & Logotype Design Project

Choose and/or make up a company/organization which would appropriately benefit by being identified by and with your animal, it's attribute and associations. Note, the name of company is an important part of the success of identity.

Design a strong logo and logotype for the company/organization.

You will most likely need to adjust the design of your animal reduction, and/or even redesign it within a shape or form to function as a symbol and integrate with your type.

Very tight design comp of the logo (with and without type) and the logotype are due the beginning of class Tuesday, Feb 4th, printed and posted to your blog.